Are You Tired of Being Weighed Down by the Never-Ending Mental Load of Motherhood?

...and had enough of the Mum Guilt that that plays on your mind once your head hits the pillow at night?

You were excited about becoming a Mum, and creating a loving family.  

But, you probably didn't expect to wake up feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or agitated so much of the time.

The truth is, motherhood feels HARD some days, and all the demands that weigh on you, can push you to your limits. 

But, if you don't change the way you're feeling, you won't enjoy your kids (and life) as much as you hope to.

You had kids to create a meaningful and joy-filled life.

To share the love and enjoy wonderful experiences together as a happy family.

But, you want to know how motherhood can feel 'lighter', without sucking all of your energy from you ... If you're raising kids between 1-10 years of age, this will provide you with everything you need to enjoy each day, with more calm, inner peace and vitality.

Imagine waking up each morning, knowing that even if your kids are whining, screaming, fighting, or throwing their food all over the floor, you'll remain in control. 

Instead of losing your cool, and mum-guilt playing on repeat in your mind, you'll have more patience and presence with your little people.  

You'll be able to fall asleep peacefully at the end of the day, feeling at ease about the way you handled the tantrums, meltdowns, sleep refusal, or sibling rivalry 🙌


You're a loving Mum, and you'll do anything for your kids. 

You've read the books, blog posts and spoken to professionals for advice on all things relating to your baby or children's health, but you haven't given the same time, love and care toward yourself since you became a Mum.

You're emotionally and physically exhausted by the mental load of motherhood most days.

You keep telling yourself you won't nag, shout, or be a grumpy Mum, but you're overstimulated and tired, and it feels like Groundhog day - again!

It can feel impossible to be the calmer, more peaceful Mum you imagined you'd be.

So... If You're Ready for Change, 

Here's What You Need to Know:

👉 If you want to feel calmer, more in control of your moods and emotions, and embrace stronger connections to your kids, you need to start by nurturing and nourishing YOU. 

Yes, that's right - you need to uncover what's missing from your health and wellness habits, so you can become your best self.

You need to know your emotional triggers, to make positive changes that stick. 

And you have to change the way you speak to yourself, too. This matters - a lot.

The simple fact is, that without learning how to do this, you'll continue doing what you've been doing. 

...And if you keep doing what you're doing each day... thinking the same old thoughts and reacting in the same ways, you'll keep feeling the same old emotions you're trying to let go of... 🤯

(and that's NOT what you want).

✅ Deep down, you know that if you don't make positive changes that stick, you'll keep waking up feeling the same stress, anxiety, or exhaustion (or worse) as the weeks pass by... 

✅ Psychology tells us you must have the right mindset and evidence-based guidance to transform your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour... otherwise, you'll go back to your old, negative habits.

You'll be able to wake up with more energy and positivity once you have the right information and guidance on hand.

You've got the best of intentions, but will-power alone isn't enough to help you transform your moods or your well-being and the way you show up for your kids each day.

When you're over-stimulated, over-loaded, or over-tired, your little one's BIG emotions can quickly push your buttons, causing you to react instantly, and your emotions will get the better of you. 

👉 As a Mum, you're constantly running through your never-ending 'To Do' List, while being bombarded with crying, whining, kids fighting...or little hands tugging on you with another demand...

👉 So much of YOU and your life has changed since you became a Mum - you need to know how to feel confident and happy with who you are now.

👉 You never expected Mum life to feel so challenging... and you feel the pressure to do it all, every day.

This can leave you feeling tense, anxious, or overwhelmed.

If you always prioritise the needs of everyone else around you, you'll struggle to feel calm and happy.

And when the overwhelm hits, you struggle to connect with your kids, gently.

And then you worry about how your cranky mood is impacting your kids.

 There's SO much coming at you each day, it's no wonder you feel agitated and stressed.

What would your days feel like, if you could be more present, and more peacefully connected to yourself and your kids?

What would mum life be like, if you could take back control over how you're feeling each day, and drop the mum-guilt?

...and stop feeling like you're 'failing' in some way.

 Wanting to be a calmer, more peaceful Mum isn't about running away to a wellness retreat, becoming a 'perfect mum', or turning into a meditation guru... 

Once you discover the meaningful and practical steps you need to take, you'll be able to show up as your best self, and your kids can thrive, too!

Take a breath, Mama. 

Mumlife doesn't need to feel so hard (or exhausting)!

Although there's no magic pill for tiredness, tension, toddler tantrums, after-school meltdowns, a messy home, the mental load of motherhood, or that dreaded mum guilt (if only!)... you know there has to be a better way...

👉 You need time-out just for you, but when you're the primary carer this feels almost impossible

👉 You don't want to wish time away but you keep thinking about how much 'easier' things will be when..."x, y, or z, happens"

👉 You don't have the time or money to book yourself into a wellness retreat, or regular therapy, or life coaching consultations right now...

So, what can you do?

✅ Say YES to following a guided, practical pathway that covers EVERY aspect of your wellness... specifically designed for Mums. 

✅ Follow these simple steps (even on little sleep!), in-between sips of coffee... or, anytime of the day or night that suits you

✅ Invest short-term effort for long-term inner peace, calm, and confidence (Your Motherhood Journey lasts a lifetime!)... You can embrace this opportunity to become the calmer and more connected Mum you wish to be... I'm sharing the exact steps you need to get there.

I've spent almost a decade supporting Mums, and refining what we need to help us feel our best.

No fluff. 

No guess-work.

This is your Motherhood Reset Pathway.


Drop the Guilt & Overwhelm. Become a Calmer & Happier Mum.

Start Today for Only $57! (AUD) ...Normally $237

👉  If you want the mindset and wellness secrets that every Mum needs to know - this is the foundation of becoming a happier and more peaceful mum

👉 If you want to know how to release the stress, overwhelm, guilt, and worries that repeat in your mind

👉 If you want all the keys to unlock every piece of your well-being so you can finally know what action to take to feel your best...

...It all starts with The Calm and Confident Mum

Using a simple-to-follow Motherhood Reset Pathway, created by a Holistic Counsellor who specialises in supporting Mums, you'll be guided every step of the way.

Take the guesswork out of how to unlock a Calmer, Happier You.

You'll reclaim your inner peace and bring more loving, gentle connections into your home.

 The Calm and Confident Mum is...

  • A simple pathway that every Mum can follow 

  • A mini-course that helps you feel your best in mind and body - not just today - but throughout your lifetime as a Mum

  • Brief videos you can watch, in as little as 5-10 minutes a day!

  •  A practical pathway to more self-confidence and less self-doubt each day

  •  Simple, guided steps to become more present and connected to your child (and yourself), so there's less mum guilt, even when things get tricky.


YES... In as little as 5-10 minutes per day, you can discover simple tools and strategies to feel calmer, happier, and more confident as a Mum.

The Calm and Confident Mum is a SHORT-CUT to ditching the constant stress, overwhelm, and mum-guilt, so you can wake up with more calm, joy, and energy each day.

Are you ready to get started?

Get Started Now

You're Ready to Overcome the Physical and Emotional Exhaustion that Leaves You Feeling Grumpy and Guilty

Is This You?

You wake up wanting to be a better Mum. You want to feel calmer and be more present with your kids. You secretly miss the energy and confidence you once had ...

  • You feel overwhelmed, frustrated and tired, because the MENTAL LOAD of parenting weighs heavily on you. DAILY STRESS has become your new normal, and your emotions feel like they're controlling you more than you'd like.

  • You feel overstimulated and on edge at times, but you want to be more PRESENT and CONNECTED to your kids...but you've got SO MANY THINGS to get done first. There aren't enough hours in the day!

  • You know you should take better care of yourself, but you DON'T have TIME for self-care. Or, you're unsure of exactly what will help you feel calmer and happier.

Inside 'The Calm and Confident Mum' mini-course :

I'll walk you through the simple 5-step pathway. Bite-sized videos and practical resources that you can access 24/7, makes this program easy to follow so you can start to feel calmer and happier within days.

Step 1 - Why Motherhood is a Roller CoasterUnderstand why Motherhood can feel overwhelming and stressful in the early years. Uncover four truths about Motherhood that your health practitioners haven't told you (but you need to know). This is the mindset foundation you need to help transform your moods, emotions, and perspective as a Mum.

Step 2 - The Real Reasons You're Stressed Out: Learn the root cause of your stress and anxiety. This is key to changing how you think and feel each day.

Step 3 - Reset Your #mumlife Experience: I'll help you get clear on how you can become the calmer, more confident and present Mum you wish to be.

Step 4 - Secrets to Becoming a More Confident, Calm and Happier Mum: Learn the key elements that will help you transform your life and use them throughout your motherhood journey.

Step 5 - From Stuck in 'Groundhog Day' to Mothering Your WayFind practical ways to create new helpful habits (discover the tricks that science shows will help them stick!)... Become the BEST version of you - so you can wake up calmer, happier, and with more energy to enjoy your kids each day.

Be a more present Mum. This mini course will guide you through 5 key steps so you can show up as the Mum your children need you to be.

Discover how to reduce daily tension, fatigue or overwhelm. Feel yourself smiling and saying 'yes' to playing with your kids more often.

It's Not Your Fault. Nobody Showed You 'How'...

I'm Offering You a Pathway that No One Else Has... 

How to Thrive in Motherhood.

You've Got This!

Uncover the real reasons you're finding motherhood frustrating, stressful, and exhausting, so you can let go of expectations weighing you down.

When you drop the expectations, you can start to prioritise your health and wellness... and then you'll thrive.

You haven't done anything wrong. 

You're not broken.

You're not failing.

In this mini-course, I'll guide you through some truths about becoming a Mum, that I wish I knew before my life changed, forever.

Despite having a degree in psychology, a great career, a supportive husband, and owning our first home, I was exhausted in the early years of motherhood. 

Soon after having my second baby, my health began to suffer. I got stuck into learning about what had happened between falling pregnant and the early years of motherhood...  I delved deep!

As expected, it wasn't just the sleep deprivation that was wreaking havoc with me.

My mind was blown. 

It was a huge light-bulb moment.

Why hadn't anyone told us?

The early years of motherhood could have been very different if I'd been given this critical information as a new Mum.

Wendy founded her private practice, Mind Momentum, in 2015.

The more I delved into health literature, the more I learned and put into practice, and the more my health and happiness as a Mum, transformed

With a greater awareness of the invisible challenges you're facing as a modern-day Mum, your self-confidence will rise.

And with greater confidence, you'll be able to drop the expectations and mum guilt that weigh down on you...

Investing time and energy into YOU will transform your experience of motherhood, and how you show up for your kids each day.

Drop the unrealistic expectations, and finally feel at peace with the Mum you are!

It's time to experience emotional freedom in motherhood. It's time to do #mumlife differently.

This easy-to-follow mini-course will walk you through 5 simple steps to help you become the mum you're wishing to be.

Most mums know they need to take care of themselves, but they struggle to find the time or energy. Do you feel stuck, or trapped by the daily grind? If you want to feel more confident while raising your little ones and ditch the stress or mum guilt, this mini-course is for you.

Take Back Control of Your Health & Happiness. I'll Guide You through 5 Simple Steps.

Worry less. Be more present. Reclaim your energy, inner peace and confidence while raising your little ones.

Say goodbye to the mum guilt that keeps you awake at night.

Your Kids Are Your Top Priority. You'll do anything for them.

...But who's taking care of you?

Your little ones are your TOP priority. You want the best for them. You worry about their health and well-being. You hope that they'll grow into happy, healthy, well-adjusted adults. But without YOU being at your best, you can't show up as the Mum you truly want to be. This short course will help you transform from overwhelmed and tired, to a calmer, more patient Mum with more energy to make fun memories with your children. It's time to prioritise your needs.

Hi, I'm Wendy, Your Motherhood Wellness Coach.

Let me share with you what I've taught to hundreds of other Mums

Founder of Mind Momentum, Wellbeing Coach, Counsellor & Psychotherapist for Mums

Wendy Gilroy MSocSc., BSocSc. (Psych), Dip.Couns.

Wendy is a mother of two, living on the mid-north coast of NSW, Australia. She is a holistic wellness coach, and a professional counsellor and therapist specialising in supporting Mums with their health & wellness. Wendy founded her private practice, Mind Momentum, in 2015. She has helped hundreds of mums in private sessions, and by speaking at various workshops across Australia and has been a guest on podcasts aimed at supporting mums.

Mums I've Supported Over the Years Have Said...

- Private Clients' Testimonials -

"I can vouch for Wendy. She’s amazing!"

Mum from Ryde

"I can vouch for Wendy. She’s amazing! I was fully overwhelmed with life about 10 weeks ago. I can honestly say, I’m in such a good space mentally and physically from the few sessions I’ve had with her. I’m in control of a lot of things, accepting situations and being okay with that, doing things guilt-free. I would not hesitate to recommend her, some people are angels in disguise, this lady is an example!"

"I’m so thankful..."

Mum in North Ryde

"I couldn’t recommend Wendy highly enough. She is kind, caring, sensitive and passionate about her work, a truly remarkable person and I’m so thankful that she is part of my journey to self-discovery and healing."

"I would recommend Wendy to any Mum who feels overwhelmed and anxious..."

Mum from Blue Mountains, NSW

"I would recommend Wendy to any Mum who feels overwhelmed and anxious but I would also recommend Wendy to anyone who just needs a ‘tune-up’ to be the best version of themselves."

I feel lighter, fresh and alive. I have found my inner happiness again..."

Mum from Sydney

Seeing Wendy has completely transformed my life. I'm a stay-at-home mum with two little boys and I was emotionally drowning trying to keep up with their demands and the idea of being the perfect mum. I had lost my sense of self and was feeling like a zombie stuck on repeat. I feel lighter, fresh and alive. I have found my inner happiness again, and am enjoying my two boys. I cannot recommend Wendy highly enough, I'm so very grateful.


Printable Workbook included

  • Guided Workbook

    A beautiful and simple workbook for you to download, print, and work through in your own time. Over 25 pages to help you become the calmer, happier, and more confident Mum you can be!

  • Simple Self-care - Cheatsheet

    As a busy mum, you do enough thinking and decision-making each day! Grab my done-for-you self-care cheat sheet, it's a no-brainer! Print out my thoughtfully crafted guide to looking after you - even on the busiest of days you can feel better knowing you've done something just for you :)

  • Sleep Guide

    Discover evidence-based strategies that will help your mind and body get better sleep! A practical and concise download to help you get the rest you need.

Ready to Show Up as a Calmer Mum?

ON SALE - Normally $237 AUD

  • $57.00

    LIMITED OFFER! (Normally $237) - Get Immediate Access to FULL COURSE + Workbook

    YES! Sign Me Up Now

This mini course is NOT ideal for Mums who:

  • Are seeking an online course that includes personal counselling, coaching, therapy or medical advice (enrollment in this course does not constitute personalised therapy support)

  • Are NOT committed to watching informative brief videos, completing the downloadable workbook (included), and taking helpful action that can result in positive or transformational change


  • How long will I have access to the course materials?

    Once enrolled, you'll have access to all modules, videos and worksheets for a WHOLE YEAR (365 days) from your enrollment date! This means you can take your time, and go back to the videos or activities multiple times over the year ahead, as your children grow and your challenges shift.

  • What if I'd like further guidance or support?

    Feel free to reach out to Wendy once you've completed this mini-course if you're seeking additional support. Personal wellness coaching via Zoom is an additional service that Wendy can offer you upon completion of this course.

  • Do you offer refunds?

    Due to the nature of digital products and online courses providing immediate access to all course content and material upon enrollment, NO refunds are available.