Discover How to Start Journaling
Stop staring at a blank page. Increase Your Happiness & Wellbeing instead.
You want to FEEL more CONNECTED to yourself and your loved ones.
You'd love to gain CLARITY in your life and achieve GOALS.
Journalling is an effective tool to help you achieve a greater sense of happiness and purpose in your life.
Journalling helps people get un-stuck.
You can experience the benefits of journaling too.
Greater clarity of mind, a greater sense of confidence around who YOU are and what you want MORE of in your life, and also discovering what needs to change for the better.
Say good-bye to the frustrations of not knowing how you're feeling, or of not knowing what decision(s) to make in your life - the answers lie at the tip of your pen.
But first, you need to learn the foundations of journaling, so that you CAN move forward.
Have you ever thought about journaling, but didn't know how to get started?
Perhaps a teacher, mentor, coach, therapist or friend has suggested journaling to you in the past.
But, you've never felt inspired or motivated enough to get started.
You might be wondering how journaling could actually help you.
Perhaps you're worried about what might come up once you start writing.
Maybe you've tried putting pen to paper... but nothing! You were left staring at a blank page, and felt defeated or uninspired.
Well, I've designed this mini-course with you in mind!
Journaling is a wonderful and healthy practice to embrace. It can help you to reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm, and help you achieve all sorts of goals.
Your wellbeing can improve and life can feel lighter and much more positive (and there's even research to back this up!)
By completing this course, it's my aim that you'll:
✅ Feel inspired and motivated to make journaling a regular practice
✅ Understand the many health & wellbeing benefits of journaling
✅ Learn and discover the art (and science) behind reflective journaling AND gratitude journaling
✅ Get the "how-to's" of journaling, so you'll feel confident in getting started
✅ Lose the self-doubt around whether or not you can do this effectively
✅ Never feel 'lost' or stuck when staring at a blank page again - you'll receive loads of ideas within the course for you to download and keep!
✅ Gain a whole lot more personal insight to help you live your best life
✅ Learn HOW to write about, plan for and set goals that are achievable and actually REACH them!
Here's feedback from a recent student of this course:
"The journaling course was great and really helped me to understand journaling and how to get started. It helped that I was able to watch it while feeding my baby. The prompts are so useful and will definitely come in handy!
I started with a relatively easy journal entry yesterday... tonight I spent some time doing gratitude journaling. It's interesting how one entry exploring how I used to have passion for my work, allowed me to realise that I want to feel like that again, and what I can do to get that drive back.
I really appreciated this course. I actually found myself looking forward to getting time to sit down and journal tonight - a sentence I never thought I would say!"
Your investment in this informative and practical course that can richly enhance your wellness is ONLY $47 ($AUD)*
* This course is not a replacement for personal therapy. Should you wish to seek personalised support, please feel free to reach out to Wendy by email to inquire about a private consultation: [email protected]
** email support is for any questions directly relating to the videos, activities, handouts or worksheets in the course. It is not personal online therapy unrelated to the course materials.
Disclaimer: This online course is not designed to, and should not be construed to, provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional.
Refund Policy: 7 days from date of purchase. Please notify us in writing via email, within 7 days of purchasing, if you are unhappy with this digital product, and tell us why.
Copyright © 2019 by Wendy Gilroy, Mind Momentum.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication or online course may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author. All material and content are for the sole and private use of the individual purchaser of this online course, who has made payment to Mind Momentum.