Transform your feelings of stress, anxiety and overwhelm

Discover how to wake up feeling calmer, more positive and ready to embrace another day with your kids!

If you're tired of feeling like your head is always spinning, it's time to slow down.

Learn the strategies to feel more grounded, in control, and have more patience with your kids (or partner).

Say good-bye to the constant tension in your back and shoulders, enjoy more moments of calm and let that dreaded mum-guilt fade away!

When you enrol in this online course, you'll discover the exact tools, strategies and hacks that can help give you that sense of being grounded and more in control. 

Re-claim your inner peace, self-confidence, energy and patience. 

Even amongst the chaos.

Are You:

👉 Tired of your racing mind filled with negative or worrying thoughts,  yet you don't know how to 'switch it off'?

👉 Wanting to be a calmer and responsive mum/partner, but still lose your patience and 'react' rather than 'respond'?

👉 Struggling to know what your triggers are before you yell at your kids or partner, or do/say something you'll later regret?

👉 Feeling overwhelmed with #mumlife much of the time?

👉 Familiar with the term 'self-care for mums', but when it comes down to it, you don't know what to do, or how to do it so that it really helps you feel better.

This self-paced course is for all Mothers feeling the weight of stress or overwhelm!

You'll discover lots of practical and helpful information and a unique wellness toolbox to help you:

 Better understand your stress triggers so that you can have less reactive behaviour like yelling, shouting, smacking, arguing or slamming cups on the kitchen bench-top

Feel more relaxed day-to-day so that you can smile more, and have the energy to enjoy making fun memories with your family

 Feel more in control of your moods & emotions and say good-bye to the emotional rollercoaster and dreaded mum-guilt... and a whole lot more.

All in an EASY-to-use format to help the most flustered of mums:

✅ Brief, easy-to-digest videos (because I know you're busy)

✅ Printable worksheets to support you and keep on hand

✅ Accessible 24/7 from anywhere with an internet connection

✅ Go at your own pace - there's no such thing as falling behind

There are 2 big secrets that you need to know before you're able to release your stress or anxiety and become a calmer mum.


You need to learn HOW to regulate YOUR emotions

because your emotions influence your children and partner.

...And your mood also impacts your self-confidence.

Let that sink in... 

🌻 YOUR ability to reduce YOUR feelings of stress or anxiety WILL influence your CHILDREN and your PARTNER'S stress or anxiety.

🌻 YOUR physical and emotional tension will also influence how YOU continue to feel about YOURSELF. 

🌻 YOUR level of stress or anxiety will impact the relationships you have with the people you care about most.


It takes a HOLISTIC approach. There's no magic pill. This isn't just about 'positive thinking' or 'exercising more'... you need to look at yourself as a WHOLE.

I get it. 

I'm a busy mum of 2, juggling my private practice where I support other busy mums.  After having my first child 10 years ago, I was overwhelmed and anxious too - just like so many mums.

I was good at the "positive thinking" thing, but there was so much more that I ended up learning and discovering about the health & wellbeing of mothers, that no-one (not even my handful of highly qualified medical practitioners) had told me about.

We're led to believe that it's normal to feel stressed, tired or even overwhelmed much of the time because that's what life feels like juggling young kids with a busy life. 

We're sold the belief that this is 'normal and expected'. After all, motherhood is 'hard'. Sleep deprivation, putting our children first and our needs last, putting our intimate relationship on the back-burner and not having fun for a while seem so normal for many mums. 

It seems like a given that you just need to wait a few years before you'll feel like yourself again, right?


There's so much you can do to optimize your well-being as a busy mum.

I know you feel exhausted some days before your kids finally put on their shoes and brush their teeth to head out the door.

 'Life before kids' feels like a distant memory. But, just like many of the mums I've supported over the past six years, you can reclaim your energy, sense of calm, connection (to yourself and others), and relaxation that you once knew so well.

Your ability to go from a frustrated, anxious, angry or shouty mum, to a calm and connected mum, will make a positive world of difference to you and your family.

(This will also boost your self-confidence as a parent and mother, and can even impact your performance at work!).

Do You:

👉 Struggle to know what your triggers are before you've yelled at your kids or partner, or said or done something you later regret?

👉  Feel tired of your racing mind filled with negative or worrying thoughts,  yet you don't know how to 'switch it off'

You secretly wish...

🌻  to be a calmer and more responsive mum, but you still catch yourself yelling and 'reacting' rather than 'responding'

🌻 you didn't feel so bad about the way you talk to yourself, but you don't know how to change this inner dialogue

🌻 that you had more energy. You're tired of feeling tired, but without proper sleep, or kids who are calm and well-behaved, how can you feel energised?

🌻 to parent peacefully, but your moods and short temper seem to make you snap more often than you'd like... hello mum-guilt!

🌻 to improve your overall well-being and feel happier but you don't know where to start or what works

"I loved the section on Self-Care. Most of all I loved the ease of the course... It's a relief, not an added pressure." 

Anna, Mum from Sydney

Now is the Time to Become a Calmer Mum

Overwhelmed and exhausted, you can quickly become trapped in your own personal Groundhog Day. 

It's time for you to start feeling more in control.

It's time to learn how to shift the negative mind chatter that weighs you down.

It's time to start feeling more connected to your kids and partner, experiencing the joy, laughter and fun that you imagined motherhood to be filled with.

It's time to get your energy back. You're tired of wishing for more sleep, and you've got little people that need you to be at your best.

And you want to be at your best - physically, emotionally and mentally.

"Wendy explained the psychology behind it, gave examples of how I could apply it in my own life and worksheets on how to take the action... I feel empowered with the tools to take control of my mental well-being and self-care."

This course can help you get relief from the stress and anxiety that steal the joy from you.

It's not your fault you weren't taught HOW to do this. 

This is a missing piece of our journey into motherhood - and it's my passion to teach this to as many mums as I can.

If it's time for YOU to release your stress and anxiety, so you can feel CALMER and experience stronger CONNECTIONS with yourself, your kids and your partner... and let go of that mum guilt, read on:

In this self-paced, online course, you'll discover loads of helpful information and a unique wellness toolbox to help you:

 Better understand your stress triggers so that you can have less reactive behaviour like yelling, shouting, smacking, arguing or slamming cups on the kitchen bench-top

Feel more relaxed day-to-day so that you can smile more, and have more joy and fun with your family

✅ Feel a greater sense of inner peace and calm

 Feel more in control of your moods & emotions and say goodbye to the emotional rollercoaster and dreaded mum-guilt

 Be more present and engaged with your partner and kids to create happier memories

✅ Feel a greater sense of motivation & confidence so that you can start that business, show up to that dream job, look forward to hitting the gym and more

✅ Improve your sleep so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day with energy


*** PLUS, you'll get access to UNLIMITED private email support from me for the first 8 weeks after enrolling (relating to the weekly worksheets/action) ***

That's a whole lot of value right there, mums.

As a registered counsellor with a Master of Social Science, Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology), and Diploma of Counselling, I have spent thousands of hours teaching these evidence-based tools and strategies to both new and seasoned mums.

These tips, tools and strategies are grounded in psychology and neuroscience research - they really do work.

You don't want another year to pass by with you feeling tired and cranky. You want to create happier memories for both you and your kids. 

Want to feel like these mums? 

"Wendy has completely transformed my life. I'm a stay at home mum with two little boys under two and I was emotionally drowning trying to keep up with their demands and the idea of being the perfect mum.

Wendy has brought joy back into my life. Through her guidance and coaching
I feel lighter, fresh and alive. I have found my inner happiness again, and am enjoying my time with my boys. I have let go of the resentment I was carrying and am now so happy"

Mum from Rozelle, NSW

I would recommend Wendy to any mum who feels overwhelmed or anxious, but I would also recommend her to anyone who just needs a 'tune-up' to be the best version of themselves'.

Mum from Blue Mountains, NSW

“I can't tell you what a change I’ve had... all the self-care suggestions you made finally pushed me into action and I generally feel so much lighter and happier than I have in a long time.…

I can’t tell you what a change you’ve inspired in me… I’ll keep putting into practice the things you’ve already taught me. Thank you so much!”

Mum from Rydalmere, NSW

“Wendy was a god-send to me when I was experiencing a very stressful time in my business and marriage, casting all sorts of doubt in my competencies, values and self-worth... I highly recommend her"

Mum from Sydney, NSW

"Wendy you are amazing. 

Your words have helped me feel such peace and calm" 

Mum from Ryde, NSW

It's finally time to put YOU first so that You can be the Mum You Wish to be.

This online course can be done at any time of the day or night - it's completely up to you - and all from the comfort and privacy of your own home.

For LESS than the cost of 2 private sessions with me, you can access an INVALUABLE and expansive amount of practical information and carefully crafted content.**

Invest in your wellbeing today WAS $237... 


Scroll down below to enrol and join me on the inside.

Copyright © 2023 by Wendy Gilroy, Mind Momentum.

About the instructor

Founder of Mind Momentum, Wellbeing Coach, Counsellor & Psychotherapist for Mums

Wendy Gilroy MSocSc., BSocSc. (Psych), Dip.Couns.

Wendy is a mother of two, living on the mid-north coast of NSW, Australia. She is a holistic wellness coach, and a professional counsellor and therapist specialising in supporting Mums with their health & wellness. Wendy founded her private practice, Mind Momentum, in 2015. She has helped hundreds of mums in private sessions, and by speaking at various workshops across Australia and has been a guest on podcasts aimed at supporting mums.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • I'm worried that I don't have the time to do the course, life is just so busy.

    Worry no more! The content is designed to be completed in 6-8 weeks, if you put aside 1 hour per week (you can do this in 15-minute chunks of time). In saying this, you have access to ALL the videos and worksheets for 12 whole MONTHS, so you really can take your time. And you can also re-watch all the videos, and complete the worksheets at a different point in time, depending on what's happening in your life, what's changed or what you need. Too easy!

  • Will this course really help me?

    If you watch all the videos and complete the worksheets, and take the recommended action - ABSOLUTELY!!! These are the exact tools and strategies I've been using with great success, with my clients in therapy and coaching sessions for 6 years - and they are powerful! Have you seen my client reviews?

  • Is there a refund policy?

    There sure is... but no-one has ever asked for one! You have 7 days from the date of enrolment to request a refund, if after completing the first module and the first worksheet, titled "My Happiness", you find this course unhelpful. Just email me, with your first completed worksheet attached, and I'll happily refund your money if you truly found no value in this.

  • Is this course for all mums?

    This course is for ANY mum wishing to reduce their stress or anxiety, and wanting to feel calmer, happier, more energised and more confident. It's for ANY mum who is READY to use the information and tools provided. This course is NOT for you if you don't plan on doing 'the work' - taking on board my guidance and suggestions and actually applying these life-changing tools and strategies (that are grounded in scientific research). Implementation and taking action is KEY. I guide you through it all, step by step.

I'm ready to release the stress, anxiety and mum guilt.

Let me discover these mind + body hacks, to become a calmer, happier and more confident mum.

What others have been saying about this course:

5 star rating

A holistic toolbox of techniques to achieve calm and happ...

Nicola Macedo

The Mind and Body Hacks course for greater Calm and Happiness was full of techniques and tools that I can easily use in day-to-day life to achieve a more bal...

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The Mind and Body Hacks course for greater Calm and Happiness was full of techniques and tools that I can easily use in day-to-day life to achieve a more balanced lifestyle. The course is laid out in a very concise, easy to understand and logical way. It was great that I could do it in my time as not to create pressure or feel overwhelming. With each tool/technique, Wendy explained the psychology behind it, gave examples of how I could apply it in my own life and a worksheet on how to action it. It's an achievable, holistic approach to becoming a calmer, happier mum that focuses on every facet of the day-to-day. Thank you, it was great - and it was nice to take time to do something just for me. Since completing it, I feel empowered with the tools to take control of my mental well being and self-care.

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Feedback from another Mum who completed this course:

Anna, Sydney

"I had no idea where to start, I just knew I needed help to feel myself again. I stumbled across Wendy online and soon became a huge fan of her newsletter. I jumped at the chance to join her course... and it gave me what I needed to start to feel better and start healing. I would highly recommend this course to any mum who's feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Wendy has done a great job to present all the tools you need to feel better."

A note before you enrol...

** This course is not a replacement for personal therapy. Should you wish to seek personalised support, please feel free to reach out to Wendy by email to enquire about a private consultation: [email protected] 

Disclaimer: This online course is not designed to, and should not be construed to, provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for personalised therapy, medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication or online course may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author. All material and content are for the sole and private use of the individual purchaser of this online course, who has made payment to Mind Momentum.

Copyright © 2020 by Wendy Gilroy, Mind Momentum.